Everything you need to succeed.

Camine Pappas, BRAND THERAPIST is a communications, market positioning, and design specialist with over 25 years experience. Her proprietary process of combining the psychology of buying, comprehensive client experience audits, and applying an authentic and conversational editorial style offers a step by step program to implement a comprehensive marketing and branding strategy. 


Our relentless approach to CLARITY and our full range of services can insure you position yourself for profit market share and emotional market share. We offier:

  • Brand Development Consulting
  • Complete Corporate Image Package Development
  • Comprehensive Messaging
  • Design for All Media
  • Online Strategies
  • Complete Graphic Design Services
  • Corporate Communications
  • Sales Training and Coaching


Want to know the basics? Here is an example:


LOGO - Create a stunning icon to represent your business and set the stage for the services you provide.

BRAND STORY - Create a message that compels and accurately portrays what makes you different. This is an example of a creative narrative for a brochure that sets the stage for the emotion of the brand.

YOUR COMPLETE MESSAGE - Now make it real by creating all the elements you will need to market your message so that they fit seamlessly and authentically with your product and service. Immerse your customer in who you are, and make it easy for them to find you, and you will attract the people that are looking for you!

FINALLY, make sure what you promise is what you can do. The customer experience is how you sustain your brand.

Chosen by BUILD HOME BUILDER AWARDS as Best Property Design Consultant 2020 for North Carolina! 


I have a question.

Want us to answer a quick question about your needs? Click here to contact us. We will get back to you with a personal call, and some real and useful information about what you need to know to take the next step.

Contact Us

For more information on what we can do for your company, please call us at 704-806-1740 or email us by clicking here.


Camine Pappas
P.O. Box 79354

Charlotte, NC 28271

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